Week 4: Praying With Jesus – 40 Days Towards Revitalization

A couple weeks ago we looked at the gospel of Mark and talked about living with a sense of urgency.  However, Mark isn’t the only place in the New Testament you find a picture of urgency.  John records words of urgency that come straight out of the mouth of Jesus.  John 9:4, “4 We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work.” Jesus healed the man who had been born blind in order to display the works of God through this man’s life. 

Action Steps:

Read John 9:1-12

Did you notice the things that were unknown by participants in John’s account of the blind man’s healing?  Jesus’ disciples didn’t know why the man had been born blind.  No one knew how clay could bring sight to blind eyes.  The blind man’s neighbors didn’t know how the blind man received his sight.  And the blind man didn’t know where Jesus had gone after He had healed the man.

Every situation has unknown factors.  Generally, we don’t like having unknown factors because we like to have everything under our control.  But when God is revitalizing our hearts, we’ll often experience unexpected unknowns for which we didn’t plan for.  How will you respond with the unknowns?  Will you be willing to trust every detail to Jesus, like the blind man did?