When I was a preteen, I loved going on adventures.  I found excitement in visiting abandoned train cars to sneak through as though I were searching for some hidden treasure.  Or an old abandoned house that was about to fall in from years of neglect.  Dangers and uncertainty were around every corner.  Yes, I realize it wasn’t the wisest thing to do, however, my friends and I were young and adventurous.  I/we never found the treasure, yet the memories are some of my fondest from my childhood!  

Going on a journey with Jesus is not a guarantee for a trouble-free, uneventful adventure as well.  Just ask the Disciples who followed Him.  He invited them to cross the Sea of Galilee, and they gladly headed to the other shore.  However, Jesus’ invitation turned into a nightmare of a storm. 

Where was Jesus? Asleep!  He understood where they were going and how they fare on the journey.  The disciples didn’t, so they panicked.  When their fear-filled cries woke Him, Jesus stilled the storm and cautioned the men never doubt what God is doing in the storm. 

An adventure of a revitalized life walking with Jesus will bring some storms and fear.  However, if you will stay on the journey with Him, you are sure to come through with soul intact!  Choose faith and walk with Jesus on the journey called life!  It will be very adventurous!!     

Action Steps:

Read Mark 4:35-41

Pray that God would strengthen your faith through the storm