When was the last time doubt filled your mind? Doubt is a disease part of fallen human nature.  Biblically, Thomas is the person who epitomizes doubt most. Poor “Doubting Thomas” has been stuck with his nickname because he said he would not believe that Jesus had been raised from the dead unless he personally saw Christ and put his hands in the scars in Jesus’ hands and side. The former disciple was convinced this was something he would never do!  But good thing for Thomas, he got what he asked for!

Regrettably, there are millions of doubters just like Thomas in the world today who think they can never be sure about Jesus because they weren’t there to see and touch Him. While we might not be able to physically sit by Jesus’ side and touch His nailed-scarred hands and His wounded side, we can know with certainty that Jesus rose from the dead, just as God’s Word said He did.  My friend, Jesus is alive today!  That is a fact you can take to the bank!

 Many of the people who doubt Him today only do so because of misconceptions about the nature of faith, or because doubt is all they’ve ever known.  But Jesus Christ can make even the strongest cynic fall on their face, and like Thomas confess, “My Lord and my God!”

Where is your faith in Jesus? Are you repentant and believe or like so many others, are you cynical and lost without faith that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God?

27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve but believe.”.”  John 20:27