We live in a culture (Down South) that holds religion as a system of rules that promises to set us free and make us right with God. It’s the “Don’t do this rule,” or the “Don’t do that rule.” If you don’t believe me, ask most anyone you meet if they’ll “go to heaven when they die?” and follow with, “why would God let you in?” You’ll overwhelmingly hear an answer that sounds like they’re answering a question to a test. “Well, I’ve been a good person all my life.” Or “I’ve helped people in need over the years.” The tragedy of religion is the heart remains enslaved to sin. No real change has occurred.

That’s where Jesus comes in. Jesus is not a religion. He’s a person. And He’s the only One who has the power to transform us. Only through a relationship with Jesus can we truly be free from the entanglements of sin. So, don’t be led into spiritual slavery by a religious system’s set of rules. Follow Jesus and experience the true freedom.

“They follow the way of Balaam…They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved.” 2 Peter 2:15-19