Hypocrisy is part of fallen human nature. Cain pretended to worship in truth, but his worship was not an accepted (Genesis 4:3-5). Likewise, people often think because they go to worship in church, all is well regardless of how they live their lives. Similarly, people in Jeremiah’s day thought they could live godless lives and still worship in God’s temple and things would be okay between themselves and God.

It is so easy to be involved in church, pray, read one’s Bible, and even witness and still not have one’s heart right before the Lord. One may think that being in the church building (the temple) makes everything alright and pleases God. God, however, wants our theology and our daily lives to match.

Are pretenders still with us? Reality is that God wants us to be honest and genuine in our relationship with Him. God sees everything we do, even when no one else sees us. And sin displeases God! Our belief in Christ and He’s Word should affect our lives daily. However, if we aren’t spending time with God, we’re only fooling ourselves.

“Let love be without hypocrisy. Hate what is evil. Hold on to what is good.” Romans 12:9a