Are you one of those people like myself who goes to the gym (not as much as I should) and workout? You don’t have to be there long before you begin noticing those who diligently hit the weights. They are the ones who go there regularly and exercise and until sweat drips from every pore. You recognize these individuals as you look around the room and spot those with bulging biceps. They use all their might to move huge amounts of weights of iron or battle the fitness machine.

All of that makes me think of the futility of man’s seeking to build himself up. Why do people keep coming back? They continue going back regularly to the gym because they can’t make their bodies change shape in just one trip.

Christ, however, made only one trip to the Cross bearing the weight of all the sin of humanity. It was necessary for Him to die, but only once! Friends, we should all recognize God’s kindness in not dealing with us as our sins deserve. Sometime during your day, stop everything you’re doing and tell God thank you!

“To God be the glory great things He has done, so loved He the world that   He gave us His Son…”