Don’t you just love this time of year? I must admit, it’s my favorite! There are several reasons. First, it’s because I love to see God paint a new portrait as He uses the tall, strong oaks as His canvas of chose, changing the colors of the leaves to there beautiful multicolor earth tones. No one can a paint a picture as beautiful as the Creator! The second reason fall is my favorite time of year is because of the wonderful aromas dispensing themselves through the air making there way from the kitchen to my nose. As I type this article I can smell Tracy’s chess pie fill my nostrils, yum yum! A third reason I love fall is the opportunity to gather around the table with family you haven’t seen in a while. It’s important to take time and get caught up on all the things happening in their lives, both good and bad. Now, put all that together with football thrown in for good measure and you get why I LOVE FALL!  It’s God’s beauty shinning through, the smell of your favorite foods, family gathered around in deep conversation, and football. What could be better?

I think it’s very important to take the time and GIVE THANKS to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Yes, you should that Him for the beautiful colors on the trees, and the food that fills the air and your belly, thank Him for your family, and football; but the most important thing is to thank you for the CROSS! Thank Him for thinking of YOU while He was nailed to a tree! Thank Him for taking your SIN and leaving it there! Thank Him for His SHED BLOOD! Thank Him for the Life you have and for the joy of knowing that this world is not your home! Thank Him for the promise of HEAVEN! And while you’re at it, tell someone about the joy you have in Jesus as you live out loud for His glory!

“In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”      1 Thessalonians 5:18