October, already? Wow! I can’t believe how fast this year has gone. The Lord brought so many new wonderful kids into our First Baptist family this year. I am in love with each and every one of your precious kids.

In September, our Pre-teens continued their study called Flyte. Flyte is a great Bible Study published by LifeWay that talks through all kinds of Biblical topics on a pre-teen level. Our 1st-4th grade students have been working through a study on “Heaven Is For Real” for their age group. The PreK-Kindergarten class has also been studying “Heaven Is For Real” but through a study specifically designed for their ages. They have totally enjoyed talking about what heaven will be like!

We had our first camp fundraiser this month where we made $1600! It was such a great “JumpStart” to our fundraising. This amount alone is enough for 5 kids to go to camp!

PraiseKids resumed this month and will sing in the morning worship service THIS Sunday, October 6th. They sound AWESOME … as always 🙂 You will not want to miss your chance to hear them sing!

October 25th will be our first ever “Girl Talk” for 5th-6th grade moms and their daughters. 4th grade girls (and moms) are welcome to come, at the mother’s discretion. We will be talking about changes that we as girls experience and how all of it can bring glory to God. You can find more information about it here.

We will host our annual “Trunk or Treat” on October 31st. This is an enormous missions opportunity for our church. Last year we had around 1200 people come through our church. We need lots of volunteers to make this night a success. The needs are as follows: cars decorated and filled with candy, crocpots of chili, baked goods for the cake walk, people to work the registration tables, games, people to oversee the games, and  extra-extra-extra CANDY! Please pray that the Lord would be glorified through our efforts during this event.

A current need of the Children’s Ministry is for a Sunday School teacher for 2s-3s. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please contact me!

Molly Smith