In the circles I run in, I hear a lot of families talking about their family devotion times. Some of these families do one every day. Some do it once week. I don’t think the frequency is as important as the consistency. If your family doesn’t get home together until after dinner time 5 out of 7 days, don’t feel guilty. Just setting a time when your family can come together and learn the Scriptures is what matters.

In an effort to help the families of FBC in this mission, the kids are now receiving a “Family Journal Page” (from The Gospel Project for Kids) after Sunday School. It correlates exactly with what they learned that day. It has the “Key Passage”, the “Big Picture Question” and the “Christ Connection” listed on it so that you, the parents, will know what we talked about that Sunday. Discuss these truths with them so that the whole family really understands. There is also a  family activity for you to perform together. Make sure you have set aside some time for this quality experience with your kids. You don’t get these years with your kids back, so make the most out of every opportunity!


Molly Smith