John D. Rockefeller was America’s first billionaire, a devout Baptist and a great philanthropist. He believed in daily Bible reading, family prayers, Sunday School and church attendance, and total stewardship of life. He gave millions to education, research, and the cause of Christ.

His son, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., said on one occasion, “It’s a wonderful thing, this business of being a father. To have given the world one clean, honest, god-fearing son, with an active sense of his responsibilities and obligations, is about as large a contribution to our day and generation as any father can hope to make.”

He was determined to pass on to his children the wonderful heritage he had from his father — love, companionship, and, above all, integrity and honor. That should be the greatest desire of every father this Father’s Day. The greatest need in our nation, in our world, in our community, is for fathers like Joshua who will stand and say, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Josh. 24:15). Will you do it?