When you fill out an application you may be asked to give your highest level of education. You can check “high school diploma,” “college degree,” “graduate school degree,” or “post- graduate.” If you were filling out an application asking your level of spiritual maturity, what would you check? Kindergarten? Grammar school? High School? Graduate school? The main difference is this, you can graduate from the schools of this world, but in the school of Christ, you are always a student. If you ever have the attitude you have arrived, then you are in trouble. The process of spiritual growth involved being continually shaped and molded into the likeness of Jesus Christ.

Here’s the question you must consider honestly: Are you becoming more like Jesus every day? Spiritual growth requires discipline. It’s as if Jesus is saying, I never said it would be easy…I only said it would be worth it.”

You don’t have to wonder about the kind of person God wants you to be. The scripture teaches that we should be looking forward to the future, living differently in the present, and learning more and more about Jesus every day. When you understand that, you can concentrate on being the person God intends you to be.

“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20