The Children’s Ministry wants to say, “Thank You!” to all of the parents and church members who donated to our camp fund through our fellowship lunch on March 24th. We raised $624.00! Our next fundraiser is scheduled for April 13th. It will be a church-wide yard sale, with all profit going to our Children’s Camp fund. We have 30 children and parents going to Centri-Kid Camp this year. Each spot is $312.00. All participants are VERY thankful for your financial generosity.


On a more personal note, many of you know that Chance and I are expecting a baby boy the first week of July. If anyone would be willing to volunteer in the Children’s Ministry during Sunday School, Children’s Church, or Wednesday Night to provide some extra helping hands while I am out for maternity leave, please let me know!


Here are some pictures from our fun-filled Spring Break week here at FBCH!

springbreak1 springbreak2 springbreak3 springbreak4springbreak5 springbreak6


Thank you Kathy Vest and Melissa Alexander for your photo contributions!


Don’t forget to join our Facebook group “FBC Henderson KIDS!” to keep up to date with all of our fun activities and important announcements!

