Mark your calendars, parents! Here are some important Centri-Kid fundraising dates:

March 24th: Lunch After Church 
Lunch will include hamburgers, side, drink, and dessert. Donations will be taken at the door.
Parent Volunteers Needed : grilling hamburgers, setting up lunch buffet, making/bringing sides and desserts, and running the donation table

April 13th: Church-wide Yard Sale and Lemonade Stand from 8AM-12PM
Items must be priced before arrival. Left over items must be picked up upon completion of the event.
Parental Volunteers Needed: setting up all items and selling items, volunteers may work in shifts

May 4th: Church Wide Talent Night from 6PM-8PM
PraiseKids will be performing, as well as individuals of all ages. Contact me soon to reserve a performing spot! Donations will be taken at the door.
Parental Volunteers Needed: standing at the donation table, set up and tear down


On-Going Fundraisers
Children’s Books: 1 for $10 or 2 for $15
JumpStart T-shirts: More information to come. All Centri-Kid participants are required to purchase a shirt. However, the money will directly go into the Centri-Kid Fundraising Account.


All Centri-Kid participants and/or parents must attend each event to insure funds will be credited to their account. Also, these events will not be possible without parental participation. If there are no parental volunteers, the fundraising events will be canceled.  Please contact me with event areas that you are willing to volunteer!