The gospel has certain demands. It is not an easy step for someone who has lived their whole life doing things their own way to stop and go a different direction. A casual moment of conversation among two choir members exposed the thinking that lies deep within the hearts of many Christians. A mother was talking about her talented six-year-old son when she said that she was sure her son would grow up to be a preacher someday. The man in the choir she was speaking with replied that it was too bad the boy could not be a doctor and really make a difference in the world. The pastor happened to be in earshot of the conversation, and having heard the man’s reply responded, “God does lead in different ways. It is our responsibility to follow Him wherever He leads.”

My mindset used to be much the same way as most other Christians, until Christ called! The call to follow Christ is open to all. Anyone can know and follow Christ. While the call to identify with Christ may sometimes be a difficult task, it is a task worth doing nonetheless. These steps are where faith begins to propel you forward in an attempt to be obedient to Christ’s call. The challenge for most is to deny one’s own desires and follow Him. Are you ready to take the challenge?

“Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” Mark 8:34