I have some exciting news! Mrs. Tammy Thomas has joyfully volunteered to teach a Sunday School class specifically designed for our 2 and 3 year olds! This class will start March 3.  We have quite a few preschool children and now we will have an opportunity for these sweet kids to learn about Jesus’ love for them!

Here are some interesting facts about what 2 and 3 year old children can understand:

about God . . .
*God is good.
*God made me.
*God loves me.
*God cares for me.
*God gives rules to help me know what to do.
*God can do things people cannot do.

about Jesus . . .
*Angels told Mary and Joseph that Jesus would be born.
*Jesus was born.
*Jesus grew like me.
*Jesus loves all people.
*Jesus loves me.

about the Bible . . .
*The Bible is a special Book.
*The stories in the Bible are real.
*People in the Bible told about God.
*People at church use the Bible.

about Creation . . .
*God made day, night, plants, sky, sun, moon, stars, animals, water birds, and fish.
*God made people.
*God wants people to take care of the things He made.
*God wants me to enjoy the things He made.
