This morning I was enjoying some quality time with my Jesus, when all of the sudden something profound hit me. It was like I was seeing creation for the very first time, or the first time in a long time. It was as though I had been color blind and a rainbow unleashed its beauty for my eyes to capture its glory! Have you experienced a moment when you saw something with a fresh new vision?

By now you’re probably sitting on pins and needles trying to figure out what hit me! Well here it is; God reminded me that today is A Brand New Day. Wow, think about all the possibilities!  You get an opportunity to love someone, you get an opportunity to bless someone, and you get an opportunity to influence someone! How marvelous is it that God would give you a brand new day, gift you with the breath of life, and shine His good and perfect gifts upon you, simply for you to be in awe of His glory!

Father, thank you for opening my eyes to Your glory. If I have an opportunity to share Your saving grace with someone in need, I ask that You give me wisdom to do so. Lord, please be glorified through my life today, and if I get a chance to breath tomorrow, may You receive glory for that too.

Friends, I hope today that God will give you a fresh vision of His Grace!